
Apple Releases Swift as Open Source on GitHub

December 13, 2015 by

In June, Apple announced that it would make its new programming language, Swift, available as open source within the year of 2015. This came as a surprise for many, as Apple’s technologies have traditionally been thought of as closed, due to the fact that they were proprietary and that the source code was not available… read more

Installing Kibana for Elasticsearch on OS X

December 10, 2015 by
Part 4 of 35 in the Complete Guide to Elasticsearch series

The first thing you have to do in order to install Kibana for Mac OS X, is to download Kibana. Kibana can be downloaded here in your browser or by running the below command in your terminal. You should download either the .zip or the .tar.gz file. curl -L -O Be sure to replace… read more

Unpacking War File on OS X and Linux

March 6, 2015 by

If you have packaged a web application within a .war file, then you might want to check the contents of it for various reasons. There are a number of tools that can do this, but I am going to show you a simple command that can display the contents of the war file within the… read more