Installing Sense for Kibana on OS X

Published on January 16, 2016 by

Sense is a Kibana plugin that enables one to quickly and easily issue requests to an Elasticsearch cluster. This is done without using a third party tool such as cURL. Sense conveniently includes IntelliSense, helping you remember the appropriate syntax for requests. Let’s see how we can install Sense on OS X. If you are not on a Mac or another UNIX based operating system, then simply use the kibana.bat file instead in the following snippets.

First, make sure that Kibana is not already running, and then issue the following commands in the Terminal or Command Prompt for Windows users.

cd /path/to/kibana
cd bin
./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense

This is going to install the Kibana plugin Sense and is going to take a few minutes.

When the above command completes, you will need to start up Kibana by entering the below command.


When Kibana has started, open up a browser of your choice and navigate to http://localhost:5601/app/sense.

In the interface that loads up (after closing the Sense introduction), you are going to be entering Elasticsearch requests on the left and see the corresponding results on the right. To issue a request, simply click the green triangle at the top right corner of the left pane. If you click the wrench icon after having entered a request, it is possible to copy the request in the corresponding cURL syntax, which is very useful. Also very convenient, is the fact that it works the other way too; if you copy a cURL request and simply copy it into the request field, it will automatically be formatted into the Sense syntax. Now how cool is that?

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Bo Andersen

About the Author

I am a back-end web developer with a passion for open source technologies. I have been a PHP developer for many years, and also have experience with Java and Spring Framework. I currently work full time as a lead developer. Apart from that, I also spend time on making online courses, so be sure to check those out!

4 comments on »Installing Sense for Kibana on OS X«

  1. Grace

    Hello, please is Marvel the replacement for Sense? And please how can I install it on Mac? I’ve installed elasticsearch and kibana using brew, but I can’t figure out how to proceed. Many thanks for your help.

    • Hello Grace,

      Thank you for your comment. Actually there is something called Console included with Kibana 5.x, which replaces the Sense plugin. You can find it by opening up Kibana and clicking on “Dev Tools” in the menu on the left hand side. The functionality should be pretty much the same, only now you don’t need to install it separately, so you should be good to go if your Kibana installation is working.

      I hope that helps.

      Best regards,
      Bo Andersen

  2. Avinash

    ./kibana plugin –install elastic/sense

    ERROR unknown command plugin

    Usage: bin/kibana [command=serve] [options]

  3. Sense has been replaced with Console, which is built-in and available by default within the Dev Tools menu item.

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