Adding Test Data
Now that we have added mappings to our index, let’s add some test data to it so that we have some data to search in the remainder of the series. To do this, I will open up the terminal and issue an HTTP request with cURL, where I will be importing a JSON file. You can use any other tool that lets you issue an HTTP request and read a file from your hard drive.
If you wish, you can go ahead and download the test data if you want to follow along. The data is randomly generated so does not always make much sense, but it is good enough for your purposes.
Navigate to the directory containing the test data file in the terminal and run the below command or equivalent.
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary "@test-data.json"
Now you should see the test data being added. Once finished, we can make use of Kibana that we installed earlier. To do this, first navigate to http://localhost:5601/. If you are presented with a screen asking you to enter an index mapping, then you can enter either * (an asterisk) or ecommerce. Once this is done, navigate to the Discover tab, where you should see the newly added documents.
Here is what you will learn:
- The architecture of Elasticsearch
- Mappings and analyzers
- Many kinds of search queries (simple and advanced alike)
- Aggregations, stemming, auto-completion, pagination, filters, fuzzy searches, etc.
- ... and much more!